Kamis, 10 April 2008

Crying Scene

Once or twice a week, saya pasti menyisihkan waktu utk nangis…

Nangis ???

Yup,ga tau kenapa saya merasa nangis merupakan salah satu ritual yg harus saya lakukan utk melegakan emosi,terutama kl lg stres dan banyak pikiran. Abis nangis selama 1jam, biasanya saya kembali segar (bukan segar fisik sih tp segar rohani, halah....) dan bisa berpikir dengan tenang..

Nah,kl saya dalam masa kontemplansi utk nangis, biasanya saya inget sesuatu atau denger lagu yg bisa bikin airmata saya bercucuran..

Trus,skrg punya lagu baru favorit buat nangis..Denger lagu ini trus ikut nyanyi bisa bikin saya langsung nangis, tp anehnya nangis bukan krn sedih krn lagu ini juga bukan lagu sedih, tp pokoknya bikin pengen nangis aja.. Lagu lama yg nyanyi Carole King, judulnya Anyone At All, soundtracknya You've Got A Mail, liriknya ini....

Funny how I feel more myself with you

Than anybody else that I ever knew

I hear it in your voice,see it in your face

You've become a memory I can't erase

You could have been anyone at all

A stranger falling out of the blue

I'm so glad it was you

It wasn't in the plan,not that I could see

Suddenly a miracle came to me

Safe within your arms I can say what's true

Nothing in the world I would keep from you

You could have been anyone at all

An old friend calling out of the blue

I'm so glad it was you

Words can hurt you if you let them

People say them and forget them

Words can promise,words can lie

But your words make me feel like I can fly

You could have been anyone at all

And that's what catches me when I fall

I'm so glad it was you

You could have been...

(reminds me to some one, some time, some thing and some place. Like the song said, I’m so glad it was you)

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